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St. Helen's C.E. Primary School




At St Helen’s CE Primary School, we believe that PSHE helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, in order to become informed, active and responsible citizens. Our personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) programme promotes children's personal, social and economic development, as well as their health and wellbeing. It provides information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically; encourage our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment.


As a Church of England school, our Christian vision and values are central to all we do. Our mission statement, “In His Footsteps.  We Love, Learn and Shine Together,” motivates us to look to Jesus as our guiding light. He inspires us to live out our Christian values and to strive for Excellence in all that we do; celebrating life in all its fullness. Our values of Love, Hope, Thankfulness, Courage, Forgiveness and Truthfulness underpin our approach to PSHE. Our teaching of PSHE is intrinsic within all aspects of our broad curriculum allowing our children to develop the moral compass required to make positive choices in life.


At St Helen’s CE Primary School, children’s wellbeing, happiness and safety are our first priority; we therefore regard PSHE as an important, integral component of the whole curriculum; it is central to our approach and at the core of our ethos. Our PSHE Curriculum enables children to become aware of their own and of others mental and physical wellbeing through celebrating diversity and acceptance of others.

Our broad Curriculum allows children opportunities to become more independent and responsible members of society and experience life outside of their own locality and to understand the diversity of the world in which we live. Through themed days and experiences, pupils are provided with skills needed to enable them to lead fulfilling lives with the highest of aspirations. We encourage our children to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of the wider community. In so doing, we help develop their sense of self-worth and they learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a community which inspires them to let their light shine before others.


Relationship and Sex Education

Jesus said ‘Let the children come to me.’ (Mt 19).


We believe that we are fulfilling this command when we enable children of all faiths and none to flourish in our schools and to gain every opportunity to live fulfilled lives.

In order for this to happen, the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST) works with schools and families to ensure children learn about (and have modelled for them) good, healthy relationships, so that they can secure, develop and sustain such relationships and recognise when and how relationships go wrong. Relationships and Sex Education and RSE must give pupils the understanding, vocabulary and strategies they require to keep themselves safe and to thrive within good, stable long-term relationships of all kinds. This is in keeping with advice and guidance contained in the  Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Statutory guidance for governing bodies’ (DfE 2019), which states: “The focus in primary school should be on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.”

“The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools." Our  Trust’s vision embraces the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development of children and young people, and through an agreed approach to RSE,  we believe that we can promote the development of the whole child so that children can grow in wisdom and stature, understanding both the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing spiritual, as well as  moral aspects of relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life.

LDST believes Teachers, Parents, Carers, Pupils and all members of each school’s community have an important contribution in preparing children for a healthy and fulfilled life where positive relationships enable them to flourish, and to do this, we aim to work with parents and carers in a spirit of hope and compassion. This Policy sets out how we will achieve this together.

The purpose of this Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy is to set out the ways in which the school’s provision supports pupils through their spiritual, moral, social, emotional and physical development, and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

We strongly believe in the importance of providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our children so that all children can flourish educationally, but also socially and emotionally.  For this reason, we believe in the importance of teaching a comprehensive RSE (relationships and sex education) curriculum which gives our children the knowledge and skills necessary to keep themselves safe and healthy in life and in their relationships.


Our children partake in RSE lessons from EYFS to Year 6. 


We follow the RSE scheme as defined by the Christopher Winter Project resource. This programme reflects the recent developments in RSE and the PSHCE and Science National Curriculum and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association.

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Contact Us

Birch Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6JS

Telephone: 0161 775 2935
