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St. Helen's C.E. Primary School

School Clubs

Throughout the year we aim to deliver a plan of extra-curricular activities that support our children at St Helen's to flourish and shine. Our clubs are delivered by our staff, specialist sports coaches and specialists from within our local community. Clubs are planned to give children a breadth of experiences while at our school and to try some new activities. Our choir is invited to perform within our local community and our dance club puts on termly shows for parents and will be building towards a performance at the end of the year in our local community. Our lunchtime clubs give children the opportunity to take part in intra school competitions and tournaments. Staff deliver a range of clubs from cooking, photography and craft to zumba and film club. We aim to ensure there is a balance of clubs available for all children to access.

St. Helen's C.E. Primary School logo

Contact Us

Birch Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6JS

Telephone: 0161 775 2935
