SEND Offer at St Helen’s CE Primary School
At St Helen's CE Primary School, we value all God's children and ensure that those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) get the support they need to make progress in a caring and fully inclusive environment. Our SEND provision provides opportunities for pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to access a curriculum specifically tailored to their needs to give them self-confidence in order to maximise their potential and work independently. We provide support for pupils across the four areas of need as laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014:
- Communication and interaction
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
- Cognition and learning
The school has a named Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), Miss Threadgold, and a named Governor responsible for SEN, Mrs Holmes.
If you have any queries, Miss Threadgold can be contacted through the school office on 0161 7752935 or by email . Concerns about statutory assessments of special educational needs should be raised direct with local authorities.
Warrington’s Local Offer
Here is the link to the Local Offer for the authority of Warrington. This will help you to understand what services you can expect, and what is available from a range of agencies: Special educational needs and disability (SEND) |
Salford’s Local Offer
Here is the link to the Local Offer for the authority of Salford. This will help you to understand what services you can expect, and what is available from a range of agencies: Local Offer | mycity Directory (
Any complaints about SEND, will in first instance, be dealt with by the SENDCO and/or Headteacher. If parents and carers wish to pursue the matter further, the Chairman of Governors should be approached.
Further information about SEND at St Helen's C.E. Primary School can be found in the documents below.
At St Helen’s CE Primary School, we liaise with a wide variety of external agencies to support the provision in place for children with SEND.
- Warrington SEND, Information, Advice and Support Service – 01925 442978
- Warrington Early Help - 01925 443136
- Educational Psychologist - 01925 442917
- Speech and Language - 01925 251 389
- Occupational Therapist - 01925 946097
- Salford Information, Advice and Support Service (SIASS) - 0161 778 0343/0349
- Salford Early Help - 0161 686 7235
- Speech and Language - 0161 206 2486